From the oldest civilizations, to the present day, silver has been an essential element for human development. The Greeks and Romans were the first to discover that silver kept water and other liquids cool and free of germs and bacteria. Ancient civilizations used silver in early surgical instruments and as an elemental material for making sutures and disinfecting. No bacteria, virus, fungus, yeast or microbe can live in a liquid in which there is a single particle of silver, since this metal can kill these substances on contact within a few minutes. It is for this reason that colloidal silver has been considered a super natural antibiotic since the middle of the 20th century. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25418435/
In the modern world, naturopathy and nutrigenomics have determined that silver as a nutritional supplement, can be a great ally in strengthening the human immune system. The immune system is the bodily system that protects the body from foreign substances, cells, and tissues by producing the immune response and that includes especially the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, special deposits of lymphoid tissue (as in the gastrointestinal tract and bone marrow), macrophages, lymphocytes including the B cells and T cells, and antibodies.
A strong immune system can protect your body from infection, can defeat germs or pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, while protecting healthy tissue. A powerful immune system is one of the biggest advantages for humans and there are many steps individuals can take to help strengthen their immune systems to help fight infections and reduce the risk of contracting highly contagious diseases.
How can I boost my immune system naturally?
- Get plenty of sleep (at least 8 hours a night)
- Eat a nutritious diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables
- Get natural sunshine
- Exercise daily and regularly meditate or stretch
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Take Rejuvva+ as a daily supplement.
Our new high-quality technology has Rejuvva+, which is the most advanced form of silver on the market. The structured silver solution is composed of 0.0001% pure silver and 99.999% pure water with a Triple Nano absorption technology. This simple solution is antimicrobial and destroys bacteria, viruses and yeast.
First, colloidal silver obtained by the electrolysis of pure silver in structured water. It is considered one of the most powerful and effective natural germicides. An adequate dose of this natural antibiotic does not present side effects or cause rejection or allergic reactions. In addition, it is capable of acting very quickly and efficiently on infectious diseases.
Secondly, water is what we depend on for every bodily function and ultimately for survival. Researchers are finding that structured water is better absorbed by our cells than purified or distilled water. Structured water also creates an aerobic positive environment through free stable oxygen which promotes healthy bacteria and negates bad bacteria. Structured Water is water that has been purified vibrationally in order to neutralize toxins. Water in nature is also naturally structured. Some potential benefits of this type of water are better metabolism, DNA strengthening, more energy & a better ability to hydrate the cells.

Rejuvva+ is a supplement that provides natural support to the human body. It strives to set a new benchmark for colloidal silver-based wellness technology. In this PH-structured silver water, pure bioactive silver molecules bind to structured water to provide the maximum benefits that silver has to offer. Alkaline silver with balanced pH is balanced to 7.4-7.6% alkalinity. This helps you work in harmony with the body’s natural chemistry. Whereas, most colloidal silver products are acidic.
Rejuvva+ is a dietary supplement superior in quality compared to other products available on the market and our competitors. There are no chemicals used in the process. Silver is combined with pharmaceutical grade water in a proprietary formula. Testing of finished products is completed by qualified independent laboratories for micron particle size, parts per million and other analytical tests of purity. Each bottle is packed with extreme care for ultimate protection in transit.
Our manufacturing facilities are inspected by the state and federal divisions of the Food and Drug Administration for food and dietary supplements. We comply with the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM), the American Chemical Society’s (ACS) regulations for water purity and Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements.
Daily supplementation can help meet the higher nutritional needs of your more demanding lifestyle. Stresses, pollution, and energetic living can all create a greater need in your body for very specific minerals or vitamins. Supplementation can also help correct deficiencies from the very foods you are eating. A balanced nutrition and correct dietary supplementation not only support the immune system, but also supports the well-being of the GUT and the digestive system in general.
Why Should I Include Rejuvva+ in my daily supplementation?
- Naturally Cleanses: Bad Bacteria, yeast and mold
- Supports a healthy digestive system
- Immune System Support
- Naturally Cleanses the Gut
- Vegans and vegetarian-friendly
- High bioavailability – 99.9% pure silver
- Safe and Effective
Let’s summarize how Rejuvva+ works!
- Naturally Cleanses bad bacteria, yeast and mold
Rejuvva+ is a solution composed of 0.0001% pure silver and 99.999% pure water. This simple solution is antimicrobial and destroys bacteria, viruses and yeasts.
- Supports a healthy digestive system and cleanses the gut
Rejuvva+ can help protect your body from infection, can defeat germs or pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites, while protecting healthy tissue. It also supports the well-being of the GUT and the digestive system in general.
- Supports the Immune System
Rejuvva+ can support and strengthen your immune system to help fight infections and reduce the risk of contracting highly contagious diseases.
- Suitable for vegans and vegetarians
Lovvare products are 100% natural. There are no chemicals used in the process. Products are made or manufactured without the use of animal products, so as to be suitable and certified for vegans and vegetarians.
- High bioavailability 99.9% pure silver
Our Rejuvva+ formula is based on the union of structured water and molecules of pure bioactive silver, to provide the maximum benefits that silver has to offer. This master formula helps you work in harmony with the natural chemistry of the body, preparing your absorption surface. Lovvare offers a bioavailability of 99.9%, which can be broadly defined as the optimal absorption and utilization of a nutrient.
- Safe and Effective
Historically, one of the concerns with silver products was the fact that the silver molecules could fall out of suspension and settle to the bottom of the bottle. This is concerning, since if the silver molecules fall out of suspension in the bottle, they could also fall out of suspension in the body. Lovvare solved this problem by bonding silver molecules to structured water at a specific energetic frequency that will not separate or settle to the bottom of the bottle along with a Triple Action Nano Technology. Rejuvva+ will not metabolize or build up in the body.
Keeping our bodies strong is essential for good health. Colloidal silver through the innovative Lovvare dietary supplement formula will provide you with precise and accurate daily amounts of colloidal silver, ideal to strengthen your immune system, maintain a healthy digestive system and prolong your well-being.